At the time of writing in January 2017, we have built and delivered 316 Flemings of various sizes. The most recent addition to the range is an alternative version of the Fleming 78 with a sleek, lower profile style flybridge - similar to the Fleming 65. The first of the new style was delivered to Burr Yacht Sales in January 2017. The yard in Taiwan is running at full capacity to meet demand and Fleming has taken on two additional engineers to handle the load and ensure that standards are maintained.
Although we currently offer four different sizes, it is a source of universal satisfaction that every one bears the disttive look of the first boat. Of course they are very different under the hood as we continue to develop and refine the designs as a result of feedback, experience and new technology. Our boats may have the classic look but, technically, they are always at the cutting edge in design and equipment. Our focus as a company has always been on the boats themselves and in working to make them the very best we can. It is for this reason that we go to work every day and do what we do.